neck lift

Neck lift is an increasingly popular procedure. It involves the posterior aspect of a full facelift, or the part behind the ear. It is usually performed as an office procedure, and takes about an hour. The necklift retightens skin from the chin to the upper neck, and helps redefine the jawline. The procedure is performed with local anesthesia, and uses mostly dissolving stitches. The incision extends from the hairline behind the ear to behind the ear, and sometimes extends a little in front of the earlobe.


The necklift has little down-time. It may cause some bruising in the neck. Arnica, whether oral or topical cream, is used to reduce amount and duration of bruising. An oral antibiotic is used for about five days, beginning the day before the procedure. Pain medication is sometimes required, but usually Tylenol is all that is needed. Stitches are removed in a week to ten days.


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